Upcoming Gigs
Check out gigs and tour dates below, or click on years to see shows we’ve already played.
Retreat Hotel GIG CANCELLED!
230pm-5.30pmRetreat Hotel Sydney Rd Brunswick - Apologies GIG CANCELLED
Retreat Hotel
230pm-5.30pmRetreat Hotel Sydney Rd Brunswick
With David Andrew Milne and Charles Jenkins playing all their timeless chart toppers, once more, but on a Saturday arvo this time
Ticket Link:
Retreat Hotel 3 Sundays in March
230pm-5pmRetreat Hotel Sydney Rd Brunswick
Sundays 6, 20 and 27 March from 3pm til 5pm
David Andrew Milne and Charles Jenkins – send us a Jenkins request and we’ll do our best
Fine food and grog available also
Ticket link below – choose to attend one or all of these fabulous concerts!
4pmWadambuk St Andrews Community Centre. 35 Caledonia St, St Andrews
An Intimate Session with the magnificent David Cosma Duo!!!
Ticket link here: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=899441&
memo music hall poetry massacre
2:30pmMemo Music Hall St Kilda
feat. angie hart, dan warner, rebecca barnard, alison ferrier, jeff lang, charles jenkins + more
Writer and Music activist, Michael Crane is pleased to Present MEMO Music Hall Poetry Massacre. We believe our songwriters are the true poets. They are well read and their lyrics are like poems. In this event some of Melbourne’s best music identities will sing a new song as well as recite their favourite song lyric or poem.
Artists include Angie Hart from Frente, Rebecca Barnard, Alison Ferrier from the Opelousas, RRR Stalwart and Corner hotel favourite Dan Warner, Fenn Wilson, Jack Kong and special guest Shane O’Mara. Compered by Michael Crane. Plus surprise guests including Jeff Lang and Charles Jenkins.
This event is supported by the City of Port Phillip Cultural Development Fund and Arts Access Victoria.
Ticket Link:
Retreat Hotel Brunswick
230pm-5.30pmRetreat Hotel We're back! The all too rare Retreat Hotel Brunswick chart-topping spectacular returns, twice! Saturday arvo, July 23 and 30.
Master David Andrew Milne and myself look forward to the pleasure of your company, cheers!
Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/charles-jenkins-and-david-andrew-milne-tickets-371880082337
Pop Preservation Society Proudly Present...
730pmPop Preservation Society presents two of Australia’s finest songwriters for a special show on Thursday 28th July at Jimmy Hornet.
Charles Jenkins has recorded and released 20 albums both locally and internationally, toured Europe and the USA several times and been nominated for two ARIA awards with the Icecream Hands. In 2014 he won the AGE/Music Victoria award for best folk/roots album. Jenkins’ latest work, ‘Radio Sketches’, is out now through Silver Stamp Records.
Michael Burrows’ music has been described as a fusion of folk, Americana and rock with hints of artists such as The Beatles, Wilco, Eagles and Ron Sexsmith. His songs are deceptively simple about complex things: love, family, home, and trust.
Please email any queries on ticketing or seating to info@jimmyhornet.com
Jimmy Hornet is located at 269 Swan Street, Richmond 3121
Ticket Link:
Retreat Hotel Brunswick
230pm-5.30pmRetreat Hotel We're back! The all too rare Retreat Hotel Brunswick chart-topping spectacular returns, twice! Saturday arvo, July 23 and 30.
Master David Andrew Milne and myself look forward to the pleasure of your company, cheers!
Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/charles-jenkins-and-david-andrew-milne-tickets-371880082337
Casey Radio Cranbourne
2pmCasey Radio Station Cranbourne with Bones and Greg before hand
Suite 7, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne, VIC,
Please join me at Casey Radio for my show as part of the Storytellers at the Station series on Sunday, October 9th, show time is 2.00pm
Ticket link below. $15 admission or free for members/subscribers of the radio station.
Icecream Hands
730pmWestwood Hotel with Georgia State Line
Not to be missed all too rare westside appearance!
Ticket Link here: https://bit.ly/3BAMbji
Healesville Music Festival
early til late everydayHealesville! Spectacular line up, a real honour to be involved;
All info here: https://www.healesvillemusicfestival.com.au/
Tickets here: https://www.healesvillemusicfestival.com.au/tickets-2021
Untitled: Almost A Mirror: A mixtape of 80s pop and post-punk
730pm to 915pmChapel Off Chapel 12 Little Chapel Street, Prahran 3181
Ticket Link to Purchase Tickets
Almost A Mirror is an edgy mash up of live music and storytelling, based on Kirsten Krauth’s popular and critically acclaimed novel and podcast series of the same name.
Press play on Side A and take a journey through music from the late 70s-80s — where the post-punk world of St. Kilda’s Crystal Ballroom collides with the pop icons of Countdown.
Join Kirsten Krauth and extraordinary ensemble on this deep-dive into the iconic songs of the era, veering from Planet Earth to Wide Open Road, from Shivers to Barbados — from the elegantly wasted to the neon lights.
The show is a collaboration with some of Australia’s top musicians including Sarah Bedak (Lolo Lovina), Paul Haigh, Charles Jenkins, Fiona Lee Maynard (Dalicados), Joshua Gitsham and Michael Simic (Mikelangelo).
Almost A Mirror evokes the power of music to infuse our lives, while diving deep into loss, beauty, innocence and agency. A reflection on the healing power of creativity and the everyday sacredness of family and friendship in the face of unexpected tragedy.
Lomond Hotel with D.A Milne
8pm onwardsLomond Hotel Brunswick
Chart toppers, non stop!
Tickets at the door of course and here:
House On The Hill with The David Cosma Experience
8pm onwardsClifton Hill House Concert - all are welcome, and there will be a free supper!
All my hits, all of DC’s, then some fun together
Tickets link: https://www.houseonthehillconcerts.com.au
Icecream Hands with The Pictures
tickets at THEPRINCE.COM.au
All the ICH hits, plus we get together with The Pictures and play Badfinger songs at the end!